2006-05-12 GHANA

The challenges of the evangelisation of young people in Africa are analysed

On the 25th April, Archbishop Peter Kwasi Sarpong spent an hour at the General House at the invitation of Brother Seán Sammon, S.G. Our brothers are responsible for a college in his archdiocese. In the diocese of Obuasi, still in Ghana, our international Novitiate for West Africa is situated as well as two Marist colleges. The archbishop generously invited the brothers to commit themselves to Ghana and he took advantage of the occasion to promote the vocation of a consecrated brother in the diocese of Kumasi and in the Church.

During his visit, he was accompanied by Bishop Thomas Mensah, Bishop of Obuasi and by Bishop Gabriel Anokye, auxiliary of Kumasi. Sister Anna Amo, a religious from Ghana and personal secretary of Archbishop Sarpong also attended the meeting.

Also present were Brothers Luis GarcĂ­a Sobrado, Vicar General, Maurice Berquet (link Councillor for West Africa) and Eugene Ezeugwu (student from the Province of Nigeria).

This meeting was the occasion of a rich sharing of information and of reflection on the situation of young people in Ghana today. The soaring of religious sects, both Christian and non-Christian, dominated the exchanges and the importance of developing educational environments that are truly evangelising was highlighted. The sects are seen as one of the urgent challenges for the evangelisation of young people in West Africa today.


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