2022-03-08 SPAIN

The Compostela Province has been certified as Google Reference Network

The Marist Province of Compostela has been certified as a Google Reference Network, a recognition awarded for the successful implementation of the use of new technologies through the innovative tools of Google. Being part of the Google Reference Network of educational centres means reaching the highest level in terms of digitally competent educational institutions.

The Google Reference Network programme is an international project in which schools and teachers from all over the world collaborate to digitally transform classrooms. On this path, Google has selected the Marist Province of Compostela as an example of success in eleven schools in Castilla y León, Galicia and Asturias.

This distinction rewards the work carried out by all the provincial teams with the aim of incorporating digital solutions that have improved teaching practices, such as the daily use of tools like Google Classroom, generating a positive impact on student learning.

The Edelvives publishing house has accompanied this transformation process as a partner of Google for Education Spain, which is much more than the educational branch of a technological giant, it is also a source of inspiration and change for more than 170 million students and teachers around the world.

The presentation of the Google Reference Network award took place at the Colegio Marista San José de León in the presence of Gonzalo Romero Head of Education, Google Spain, Javier Cendoya, Director General of the Edelvives Group, Br Salvador Hidalgo, coordinator of the Mission Council of the Province and Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, director of the Institute’s Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation.

More information on this link.


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