2006-05-08 BELGIUM

The consecrated life document in the construction of Europe

On the 9th May a meeting of European religious will be held in Brussels coinciding with the European Day of Prayer for peace in the Continent and in the world.
The construction of Europe must not only count on economic or political aspects but also must count on the spiritual and religious aspects as well. This is the conviction of several religious organisations in Europe that have organised for the next 8th and 9th May a ?Day of prayer for peace in Europe and in the world?.

The day, which will be celebrated in Brussels, has been organised, among others, by the Commission of Episcopal Conferences of Europe (COMECE) and the Union of European Conferences of Major Superiors (UCESM) with ?the wish to manifest, together with other citizens, that Europe is not only built on the political, economic, juridical, social and financial terrain but also takes into account the religious environment?, as pointed out by the religious sister, Ana MarĂ­a Garbayo, Secretary General of the UCESM.

The UCESM, which groups forty-two National Conferences and represents about 400,000 religious in Europe, is promoting the participation of all religious who wish to be present in Brussels during these days in May to pray for peace and to reflect together on the document on Religious Life in Europe.

The choice of this date has not been by chance. As explained by Ana MarĂ­a Garbayo, this day will be ?in memory of the Declaration of the 9th May 1950 when some European countries committed themselves to respect the objectives of peace, social progress and solidarity?.

As well as the times for prayer and celebration, some reports are planned: the Dominican, Ignatius Berten, will present the challenges that are facing Europe today; a fellow Dominican, J.C. Lavigne, will speak on religious and Europe, while Sister Evangeline, Prioress of the Diaconesses, will expound on what kind of Religious Life is needed by Europe as it is forming at the present time. The visit to the European Parliament and the presentation of the religious organisations present in the European institutions will complete the programme of the meeting.

For more information on this initiative see [email protected] and www.ucesm.net
Madrid, 28th March 2006(IVICON)


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