2008-01-29 GENERAL HOUSE

The General Administration has Mary of the Visitation as icon

At the end of the Christmas celebrations, Brother Superior General and his Council wanted to have a fraternal meeting with the community of the General Administration to thank the Brothers for the service they give to the Institute. The meeting had two phases: firstly, a prayer in the chapel of the superiors, in which the two communities participated, and then, a small celebration at which Brother Seán Sammon, Superior General addressed some words of gratitude to those present.
The community prayer was inspired by the passage concerning Mary?s Visitation, suggesting that the General Administration can have as icon Mary in her visit to Elizabeth. Mary finds out that her cousin has a need, and she hurries to help her for a time. In a similar way, the Brothers of the Community of the General Administration are called and they come to Rome to spend a period of time serving the Institute. The Marist values that must stand out in their lives are those of family spirit and solidarity, multiculturalism, co responsibility, subsidiarity and love of work.

When expressing his gratitude, Brother Seán underlined the importance that this mission has for the Institute. Without your collaboration we could not take forward the Hermitage that we are all building. There was a special mention for the council of the community of the General Administration and for Brother Onorino, its superior.


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