2024-06-21 GENERAL HOUSE

The III Assembly of the MSIN comes to an end

MSIN Assembly | Photos 

At noon on Friday, June 21, the III Assembly of the Marist Solidarity International Network came to a close at the General House. Since the 17th, some 60 participants have been reflecting on lines of action to increase solidarity in the world through Marist missionary action. The last part of the meeting was marked by the final presentations and summaries of the ideas that emerged during the work of the five days. Suggestions for lines of action for each of the five focal groups of the Network were reviewed and space was given for final considerations.

Given the difficulty encountered by the assembly in synthesizing the large number of ideas, the Network’s Executive Committee proposed to continue reflecting on the points raised until the next meeting of the team, to be held in October. At that time, the final synthesis of the proposals and proposed action plans for each focus group will be defined. A virtual meeting will then be held with all Assembly participants to approve the final document. This proposal was approved by the Assembly.

This was followed by the final celebrations and evaluation. Brother Ken McDonald, General Councilor and link of the General Government for Solidarity, concluded the assembly. “We are the Marist face of solidarity”, Brother Ken told the participants. He added: “The greatest responsibility is to journey with young people and children on the margins”.


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