2023-08-10 INDIA

The Marist Brothers’ Project in West Bengal

Improving the education of Santali girls and boys through study centers and promoting gender equality

The state of West Bengal, India, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse communities. However, the region faces numerous socio-economic challenges, particularly among marginalized communities like the Santal minority. Historically reliant on hunting for sustenance, the Santals have been compelled to turn to agriculture due to the ever-increasing population and dwindling resources. As agricultural labourers, they earn less than $3 a day, leaving them vulnerable to social exclusion and poverty. Unemployment among the Santal youth has been rising, leading to an alarming rise in drug and alcohol addiction. Moreover, access to quality education remains a significant concern for the Santals, as illiteracy rates are high, especially among women and those living in remote and economically vulnerable villages.

Recognizing these struggles, the Marist Brothers of India are embarking on a mission to address these challenges by launching these itinerant classes project. This visionary project seeks to promote human development through education, with a specific focus on empowering students with fundamental skills in reading, writing, English, Mathematics, and Bengali classes. Additionally, the project strives to equip the youth with essential skills that will enable them to pursue self-employment opportunities or secure positions in both private and government sectors.

Educational opportunities to remote areas

The main goal of the Marist Brothers’ Project is to extend educational opportunities to remote areas where access to formal institutions is limited or non-existent. By providing itinerant classes in these communities, the project ensures that the benefits of education reach every corner of the region. Furthermore, the project is committed to eradicating all forms of discrimination based on caste, tribe, gender, or social status. Emphasizing inclusivity, the Marist Brothers strive to uplift communities in vulnerable conditions and foster a sense of unity and acceptance among the students. The project also emphasizes the cultivation of leadership skills among students. By involving them in various classes and activities, encouraging active participation in local and regional institutions and nurturing social and political awareness. Not less important, through education, the project empowers the youth, particularly those in vulnerable conditions, by providing them with avenues for personal and economic growth, equipping them with the tools they need to shape a positive future.

The Marist Brothers’ Project will have a profound impact on the lives of the Santal students and the communities they serve. By bringing education to their doorsteps, the project will increase enrollment and retention rates for Santal children in schools. Through the acquisition of essential skills and knowledge, the students are better prepared to overcome the challenges posed by poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, the project’s emphasis on inclusivity and equality has fostered a sense of pride and belonging among the Santal students. By valuing their cultural heritage and recognizing their potential, the project will instill a strong sense of self-esteem and determination among the students.

Beacon of hope

The Marist Brothers’ Project is a beacon of hope for the Santal minority in West Bengal. By providing educational opportunities and promoting inclusivity, equality, and leadership skills, the project has become a catalyst for positive change. Through its transformative approach, it aims to empower the youth and enable them to create a better future for themselves and their communities. As the project continues to make a lasting and positive impact, it sets a shining example of how education can be a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of poverty and transforming lives.

Support from FMSI

The Marist Foundation for International Solidarity (FMSI), an ONG of the General Administration, supports this project, which, through its transformative approach, aims to empower the youth and enable them to create a better future for themselves and their communities.


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