2009-03-10 BRAZIL

The Marist Union of Brazil goes ahead

From 19 to 20 February 2009, the Marist Union of Brazil ? UMBRASIL -, founded on 15 October 2005, held its 5th ordinary General Assembly in Brazlùndia ? DF, as the conclusion of the first three years of organization. The Provincial Councillors, the Provincials and the District Superior, the Presidents of the « Mantenedoras », the Executive Director and Secretary of the Marist Union of Brazil, and Br. Antonio Ramalho, Councillor General, took part in the meeting.

In the course of the Assembly, the report of the activities, progress, and challenges of the first three years 2006-2008 was presented, showing that the Marist presence in Brazil was better consolidated and reinforced, enjoying greater visibility, and social, governmental and ecclesial recognition. In addition to the three year report, the Assembly approved the report for the financial year 2008, the Action Plan and the budget for the sections of Consecrated Life and Laity, Mission and Management, and the financial report for the reform of the new office for UMBRASIL. The Assembly proceeded to the election and installation of the new governing body of UMBRASIL: director-president, Br. Arlindo Corrent, of the Province ?Rio Grande do Sul? ; director-treasurer, Br. Délcio A. Balestrin, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Sul? ;and director-secretary, Br. José Wagner da Cruz, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Norte?.

The Finance Council was thus appointed: Br. Joaquim Juraci Farias de Oliveira, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Norte?; Br. Roque Ari Salet, of the Province ?Rio Grande do Sul? ; Br. Dario Bortolini, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Sul?.Brothers. Rafael Mendes dos Santos, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Sul? ; Odair Paier, of the Province ?Rio Grande do Sul?, and LĂșcio Gomes Dantas, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Norte?were elected as substitutes.

Before the UMBRASIL Assembly, the meeting of the Superior Council (16 to 18 February 2009) was held in the office of the Marist Union of Brazil, in BrasĂ­lia-DF, where the new office was inaugurated in the presence of representatives of various Church and civil organisations.

The Superior Council appointed the new Executive Officers of UMBRASIL for the next three years 2009-2011, namely: coordinator of Consecrated Life and Laity : Br. Adalberto Batista Amaral, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Norte? ; coordinator of Mission : Br. Lodovino Jorge Marin, of the Province ?Rio Grande do Sul? ; coordinator of Management :Br. Valter Pedro Zancanaro, of the Province ?Brasil Centro-Sul?. The Council appointed Br. DĂĄvide Pedri, as new President for 2009.

At the end of the Assembly, homage was paid to Brs. Manoel Alves, Roque Ari Salet and Dario Bortolini, members of the Board of Directors of UMBRASIL; to the Executive Secretariate of UMBRASIL, especially Br. José Wagner Rodrigues da Cruz, and the coordinators, Brs. João Carlos do Prado, Adalberto and Arlindo Corrent, by a gesture of gratitude for the services rendered to Marist Brazil during the three years completed.


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