2024-07-03 NIGERIA

The Province of Nigeria promotes the course on servant and Prophetic Qualified Leadership


A course on Servant and Prophetic Qualified Leadership was organized by the Province of Nigeria and its final step was held at Marist Formation Center Orlu, in Nigeria, from 24th June to 28th June, 2024. This phase of the course was facilitated by Brothers Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, Gregorio Linacero, Project Manager of the Strategic Plan of the General Administration; and, from Nigeria, by Brothers Melón, Angulu Paul, Benedict Umoh, Lucky Paul Ogwu, Mark Williams Iwu, and Emmanuel Tyokor.

The formation has sought to ground the experience of the Philippine Course and help change the paradigm of leadership under the servant, prophetic, qualified and Marist prism. “The shared days have been an extraordinary opportunity for exchange, joint vision and the search for possibilities for the present and future,” said Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General. “In the midst of an excellent welcome, the group of 44 participants has been very involved in all the moments, with very positive and transforming contributions,” he added.

The program seeks to reaffirm the empowerment of local leadership and, thanks to the contributions of the team of presenters, it could be achieved. In its ethical dimension, it has also deepened the axes of Rights, Empowerment and Rights of Children and Youth. Finally, it has been a good idea to create a Provincial Follow-up Team that will give continuity to the conclusions.

The course had a first step online, from 18th March to 18th June 2024. The forty participants, Brothers and laypeople, were grateful for the ability of the facilitators to explain complex concepts in an engaging and accessible way, and for creating a stimulating and inclusive learning environment. They were confident that the knowledge and skills learned would be applied. The insights and guidance provided by facilitators have equipped the Participants with invaluable knowledge and skills to lead with compassion, empathy, humility, and vision.

The Participants from the Province of Nigeria were grateful to the Institute, FMSI and Missean Cara for sponsoring and sending Brothers Luis Carlos and Goyo to deliver the seminar on servant and Prophetic Qualified Leadership in Nigerian Province. The Nigerian province acknowledged the significant effort and resources that the General Administration invested in the initiative.

This initiative, intended for leaders working in the strategic areas of mission development, is part of the Strategic Plan of the General Council to foster, through training and accompaniment (even professional), a solidary mentality that privileges co-responsibility, transparency, efficient and effective management and sustainability. And has as goal the promotion of a leadership of service that is open and trained to meet the emerging realities of our Institute and the world.

Other editions of the same course were organized in Brazil and Philippines and in the coming months will be organized also in other Provinces.


The Institute participated in the celebration...