2024-06-04 SPAIN

Third week of the formation course for Marist Leaders of Europe

The third week of formation for leaders of the Marist Europe Region took place in Xaudaró, Madrid, from May 20 to 24. Marist leaders from France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Portugal and Spain met and shared perspectives and experiences and had the opportunity to immerse themselves in crucial aspects of Marist leadership in the 21st century and in the life project of each participant.

The formation began with the exchange of experiences of the first two weeks of formation, the first at Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage and the second in the social works that the participants visited as part of the program. This pause for introspection allowed them to appreciate the richness of difference and to reaffirm their commitment to caring for people, a fundamental pillar of our charism.

During the week, topics related to Marist life in Europe such as innovation, attitude and the importance of youth ministry were addressed. Thus, the participants were immersed in deep reflections on how to apply these principles in their daily lives and in their personal life projects.

The importance of living the Marist charism in all its dimensions, from lay and religious vocations to community life and collaboration between different generations of Marists, was highlighted. One of the aspects that aroused most interest was the existence of a Network of communities in the Continent, which serves as an example of collaboration among the different Marist units.

Throughout the week, morning prayers and leisure activities, organized by the participants, helped to create an atmosphere of community and reflection. A highlight was the connection to prayer on May 20, coinciding with St. Marcellin’s birthday.

As for the next steps, the participants have already been called for the fourth week of formation, which will be held in provinces other than their own. The fifth week is scheduled for January 2025 at the General House in Rome. These stages promise to continue to be moments of growth, learning and consolidation of Marist identity.


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