2004-11-05 SPAIN

Three brothers commit their lives to Jesus Christ

Diego Collado, aged 45, Isma Valls, aged 27, and Xavi Gual, aged 27, professed their perpetual vows on Saturday, 23rd October in the Church of Santa Maria de Sants in Barcelona. Six hundred people crammed into the church for the Eucharist that lasted two hours. Brother Xavier Barceló, the Provincial of the Province of L?Hermitage, received their vows and was the principal witness to the signatures of the three brothers on the official documents, which symbolised the signing of a blank cheque for Jesus Christ. This deep life-long surrender, which sends such a shiver down the spine of a society that exalts in temporary pleasures, had a great impact on those present: brothers from all the communities in Catalonia, young people from youth groups and scout groups, teachers from educational centres, volunteers, parents, priests and religious from various congregations.

The dream of Champagnat is possible today in Catalonia as, according to various reports, it is the most secularised region of the continent after the Netherlands. Three young people, with different vocationa<082ProfissaoEspanha1jpg alt=Diego, Isma and Xavi sign a blank cheque hspace=5 vspace=5 align=right>l journeys, remind us of this. Diego stated: ?I am united with Saint Augustine in the statement that late have I loved you but nothing is late if the happiness is real. And since my first YES to God, I am conscious that the responsibility and commitment is a daily task that is worth giving all you have to it.? Isma challenged those present: ?It is worth the effort today to live Champagnat?s dream. I have taken this on. What about all of you here today?? Xavi commented that he had seen Jesus in the faces of the brothers in the community, in the young people and the children? To keep your eyes open to God?s presence in the world is a first step in hearing his voice that calls.

The celebrations continued throughout the night in an atmosphere of togetherness and friendship? In the heart of each one, the whispering voice of God could be continually heard.


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