2023-09-06 GENERAL HOUSE

Ongoing formation for elderly brothers in Rome

During the months of September, October and November, several elderly brothers will meet at the General House and Manziana for the traditional ongoing formation course promoted by the Brothers Today Secretariat. Los hermanos de lengua española y portuguesa se reunirán en la Casa General, mientras que los de lengua inglesa lo harán en Manziana.

At the General House, the ” Amanecer 2023 ” program will take place from September 6 to November 3. This year, the group has 9 members (1 from Central America, 2 from Brasil Centro-Norte, 2 from Mediterránea, 2 from Compostela, 1 from IbĂ©rica, 1 from l’Hermitage), accompanied by Brothers Antonio GimĂ©nez de BagĂĽĂ©s GaudĂł (Mediterránea) and JoarĂŞs Pinheiro de Souza (Brasil Centro-Norte), together with priest Pedro GarcĂ­a, chaplain.

The Manziana group will have 15 participants, accompanied by brothers Michael Green and Barry Burns (Star of the Sea). Br. Josep Lluis Marti, of the Hermitage Province, will support Brothers Michael and Barry. The chaplain will be P. Michael Brennan, from Australia. The participants come from South Africa (1), Australia (7), Cambodia (1), United States (1), Philippines (1), Italy (1), New Zealand (1) and Sri Lanka (2). Among the participants, 2 belong to the Marist Fathers. The course in Manziana starts on September 24 and ends on November 19.

During these two months, the on-going formation program includes a two-week stay in Marist locations in France.


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