2005-06-29 ARGENTINA

Two workers for the harvest

Two newly professed brothers, Maximiliano Berone and Diego Leroy, have joined the Lord?s harvest with great joy to work for the Kingdom in the province of Cruz del Sur.
Diego, born in San Rafael, province of Mendosa Argentina, and Maximiliano, born in San Francisco, province of Córdoba, also Argentina, made their first vows in Argüello where they had made their Novitiate.
On this occasion they were accompanied by their families and brothers from nearby as well as distant communities. In this way, they wanted to accompany the Lord Jesus who continues to call new workers for his harvest. They have generously chosen to start their consecrated journey in the service of children and young people, hand in hand with their brothers in community, Mary and Marcellin.
May these acts of consecration continue to encourage us to look to new ways of living this spirituality that our Founder sensed through the signs of his times and that was so attractive to the youth of that time as a daring response to life.
In this Marist Vocation Year we keep giving thanks for the charism that is incarnated in these new responses and we accept the challenge of accompanying them with our commitment to renewal in our fidelity and our witness in life.


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We have valued what we bring to life...