2005-10-14 COLOMBIA

We continue to construct pathways to be close to and evangelise children and young people

From the 5th to the 8th September the members of the national team for Youth and Vocation Ministry met in Bogotá. This team consists of Brother Leonardo Yepes, Brother Juan Carlos Villarreal, Brother Carlos Saúl Corzo, Brother César Rojas, Wilson Montes, Hernando Osorio and Sandra Rodríguez.
During these days of meeting and reflection we were able to treat themes of vital importance for the development of the processes of ministry in our country. We started with a theme, directed by Brother CĂ©sar Rojas, on youth spirituality from where we moved to evaluate all the national activities that had been held throughout 2005 (Remar Youth Easter, III National AEM Camp, II Zone Remar Cantonment and Helmsmen Workshop). We revised the path taken by each of the movements, prepared the next meetings for the sectors of ministry co-ordinators, gave our contributions for future events in Vocation ministry in Colombia and revised the plan for the formation of ministry animators.

As always, the meeting was enriched by its friendly and fraternal ambiance. With the help of the Great Helmsman, the Good Mother and Guide, we feel certain that we will continue to construct pathways to be close to and evangelise children and young people.


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