2005-07-22 BRAZIL

We have affirmed the importance of the mission ad gentes

Among the five signs of the times that Brother Seán, Superior General, indicates in the letter convoking the next General Conference, the second sign appears as:
We have affirmed the importance of the mission ad gentes. However this fundamental aspect of our lives is progressively losing its force in recent times.
Over a year ago, the Provincial Council in the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte was thinking that it was opportune and relevant to make a concrete gesture in terms of the mission ad gentes, as a response to the longings and requests of brothers and laypeople wishing to give some of their own time to help those in needy areas.

The challenge was posed in 2004 and now, after having completed the selection and preparation process, five laypeople and brothers have left everything to work in East Timor as volunteers, close to the community of the Australian brothers who have been there for some time. They left on the 9th June for Australia to complete their preparation. During July they will move on to East Timor.
The volunteers are: Leandro Trajano de Oliveira, Edelves Rosa Luna, Geraldo Oliveira Costa, Eliana Venâncio Resende, Lucimar França de Santos Silva and Brother Raimundo Barbosa.
We pray that the peace and serenity known by those who follow Jesus will always be in their hearts and that this missionary experience will fulfil their baptismal consecration.


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