2019-10-01 GENERAL HOUSE

What are we doing to share in the care of creation?

The Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region will take place in the Vatican from 6 to 27 October. The main objective of the assembly, convoked by Pope Francis, is "to find new ways for the evangelization of that portion of the People of God, especially the indigenous, often forgotten and with no prospects for a good future, also for the cause of the crisis of the Amazonian forest".

This lack of perspective also derives from the ecological crisis we are experiencing. It is necessary to assume a new ecclesial, civic and ecological project that seeks to overcome the confines and redefine the pastoral lines, adapting them to contemporary times.

With regard to an ecological project, the General Chapter invites us to "develop an ecological conscience to take care of our common home".

Therefore, on the eve of the Synod, it is time to ask ourselves if we really take seriously, at an individual and organizational level, the commitment to adopt concrete actions to play our part in the care of creation.

We can rely on arguments that individual actions change little at the global level. But that is not the case.  We must be aware that we can be protagonists in the protection of our environment. The veracity of a change of mentality will be confirmed by concrete actions in favour of the created world.


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