
Marist Novices Mourn for Consolata Priest, Father Joseph Nulunga

FatherHere at the Marist Brothers Noviciate community, Matola, Mozmbique everybody is wearing a funeral face at the sudden death of the chaplain, Father Joseph Nulunga from Kenya. He has been in Mozambique working at the Philosophy Seminary since mid 1980s. Their community is near our place. When a Marian Hill Father was transferred to Namacha, near Swaziland, the late accepted our request to be the chaplain. He was a wonderful Missionary from Kenya and mixed with people of all walks of life fratenally and warmly. We felt through him that Kenyan missionaries can be like those of the warm heart of Africa. Yesterady evening he celebrated mass with us and one intention was to pray for the dead Marist Brothers benefactors, relatives and friends. On breaking the good news coming from the texts chosen for the feast of the Transfiguration, he stressed on the experience of being in heaven where Peter enjoyed so much that he did not want to go away but build tents. He connected this with the noviciate that it is a passsing transitory period which prepares us for the next life. He built on this thems when explaining in detail about the mysteries of death and the resurrection which awaits us all. He used to dramatise his homilies to make us grasp the essential message which could be remembered. He was a good and wonderful man of God.

We have lost an excellent priest fully dedicated and available to all people and gained a saint in heaven. We convey all message of condolences to his parents and relatives in Kenya, the Consolata community all over the world, the Alluminano community where he had ministered so well, the Consolata laity group who were very much attached to him and the people of Kenya. May his soul rest in peace and may his life of being a missionary inspired us to work for the church beyond our nations with great generosity. Let us be united in prayers that the Lord who is full of compassion may forgive his human failings and receive him soon to enjoy the reward of his good servant who worked tirelessly for the salvation of souls. He was a man with love that knew no bounds. The semianrians he was teaching, our novices and we the members of staff will take long to erase the tears and grief of late Father Joseph Nulunga. We loved him and he loved but the Lord has snatched him from us. Like Job we say, The Lord had given, the Lord has taken, may his name be glorified.

Brother Simeon Banda, fms, Member of staff, Matola Noviciate.


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