
Marist Youth Awakening Programme – Brothers and the novices in touch with boys and girls

hspace=5Our novices and their Master of Tudella along with a couple of other Brothers carried out in April a 3 day youth camp at St. Joseph?s Parish Wennappuwa. They had prepared various teaching aids and power point presentations and were ready with various group dynamic activities. Right from their arrival at St. Joseph?s they prayed to the Lord to send down the spirit upon them so that they could touch the heats of the young girls and boys who would take part in the program.

Time was also provided for the parents of the young participants to share their difficulties and problems. The Brothers and family members did pray together requesting the Lord to be with them. On their first morning the Brothers and the novices made a special prayer requesting the Lord to lead them through out the day. It was followed by the Eucharistic Celebration. By 8.15a.m the inaugural session of the program was held. After a short inspiring prayer service, Brother Michael De Waas, our Provincial and Rev. Father Frank Tissera addressed the large gathering of youth. It was followed by a short video presentation, ?The Dancing Wheat?. A brief discussion about the film followed and this was animated by Brothers Michael and Chinthana. The girls and boys were quite taken up by their own findings about the challenges they face in their locality.

After the tea break the animated video film ?The Spirit? was screened and the youth were thrilled to see this film and were touched by the plot. A very thought provoking discussion took place till 1.30p.m and they all departed for their lunch break. In the evening the girls and boys were made to play different games and some opted to watch a selected film that was screened. This time allowed the Brothers and the novices to get in touch with the boys and the girls casually. By 5.30p.m they days program came to and end and the youth went home happily.

On Saturday morning by 8.30a.m a large group of youth was awaiting to follow the mediation along with selected songs. The meditation was quite appealing to the group. It was followed by group activities and the morning session came to a close.
In the afternoon the youth were made to see the Power Point presentation on Marist Brotherhood and after that once again the Brothers met the youth at the play ground and played with the young men and women while sharing their lives very casually.
Late in the evening the Brothers arranged an exhibition on the Founder of the Marist Brothers and the mission of the congregation in front of the Church and it was open on Sunday morning for the general public.

The people who attended mass were happy to see the exhibition. The Brothers showed a power point presentation on Marist Brotherhood for those who were interested. The novices took the opportunity to share their vocation Story to the youth gathered and then there was an evaluation done by the youth on the whole program. Then they all dispersed with a short prayer.

On two evenings the novices and Brothers got into two groups visiting families in the Parish. The aim of the visit was to make the parents of young people aware of the current challenges the youth face in their own locality, the importance of encouraging their children embracing religious life and the care and consideration they should take about the youth so that they may be ready to face their future. The Brothers made it a point to introduce St. Marcellin Champagnat and the Congregation of the Marist Brothers and prayed with the family members for future vocations.

Bro. Joseph Peiris, Vocation Promoter


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