
Matola: Official welcoming of the first year novices

Matola:At one time or another we all sing a song, ? This is the Day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad!? This was the reality for us here at Matola noviciate today the 28th February. From your left you see Joseph, at the middle you see Clement who came a month later after others had arrived and the extreme right is Davie. We marked their official admission with Mass celebrated with Fr. Fredrick, a Consolata priest who is our neighbour here. Behind each new novice you see ?Padrinhos? closer to gofather in terms of roles.

Behind on your left you see Br. Norbert, the Master of Novices and to the extreme right you see Br. Mansoa, the deputy Master of Novices. The one standing in between the standing novices is the main celebrant. The readings came from Exodus and Mark, that is, the call of Moses and in Mark, the call of the first disciples. We have always said many are called but few are chosen. These young men had their friends along the way but they ? nunca? saw the white rabbit. Once we see the white rabbit we keep pursuing it. Jesus is our White Rabbit. In our modern words, we say, they were not meant for us. God surprises us all the time. This time round all the three novices came from Zambia. Bravo Zambia for giving us a job, for without you nursing us for us these young men in good Christian families, the following year we would be jobless. The others too from other countries of the Province have vocations but not to the Marist way of life. We should pray for them so that in their discernment they may discover where God want to serve Him best and where they will find happiness and fulfillment.

Yes, these young men have started an Emmaus journey. Those of you who know them, we request you to journey with them in prayers everyday. Today we see them in smiling faces. When the honeymoon phase is over, the story and vision sometimes changes. In those moments they will have to turn to prayer to find more energy and the Eucharist for extra nourishment. Of course, as we say in Africa, ? I am because we are, because we are therefore I am!? we the staff and their colleague are more than ready to stand as marvelous companions as Br. Sean wrote. In life no one journeys alone, we are need companionships to break bread together.

So to our newly accepted novices, we say, ? Courage!? You are not alone in this journey and as Saint Marcellin said, we see you as gift of Mary to us. She is our Ordinary Resource and have a child like confidence in her protection. Know that the noviciate is the Listening moment and Jesus will speak to you in many different ways in this desert experience, and more especially, he will speak to your heart. Listen attentively to hear his gentle voice. Parabens! Congratulations! Asante Sana! Orokamano! Zikomo kwambiri! Twatotera mkwayi! Makorokoto!

Simeon Banda, fms, Matola


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