2021-03-29 PHILIPPINES

News Bits – Issue No. 14 – East Asia Province

East Asia Province

News Bits – Volume 3, Issue No. 14 – March 28, 2021

Dear Brothers and Lay Marists,

Let me greet you this Holy Week with Bob Kondrath’s reflection. He said;
“During this most Holy Week, may the time you spend reflecting on the life, death, and resurrection
of Jesus bring you a greater awareness of GOD’s love for you!

Today we begin Holy Week, the most solemn week in the church calendar. We reflect upon the events that brought about our salvation. Jesus triumphantly enters into Jerusalem, the City of Peace, in order to announce the Good News, not just with His words but by His act of loving sacrifice for all people. We journey along with Him as He celebrates the great feast of Passover and becomes the New Paschal Lamb Whose blood is poured out so that we, the New Israel, might experience the liberation from sin and the new life of grace. We look on as Jesus suffers His passion and crucifixion. And ultimately, we will experience His glorification from the cross and at the tomb.” (Bob Kondrath)

Starting March 29, we will have our online Holy Week retreat. This will be facilitated by our Superior General, Br. Ernesto Sanchez, FMS. The meeting ID is: 852 0913 7347 and the Passcode is: 955536. The Provincial council and I would like to wish everyone a blessed Holy Week. We pray that this holy week celebration be a spiritual and restful experience for all of us. Since Good Friday is a celebration of love, forgiveness, and mercy, let us also take this opportunity, to celebrate love, by letting go of bitterness, resentments, and anger that we may be able to forgive ourselves and others and begin the experience of deeply living the joy of the upcoming Easter Season. Let our  observance of the Holy Week herald for us the promise of a new beginning.

Have a prayerful and restful retreat everyone!
God bless,
Br. Dominador A. Santiago, FMS

Read all and download News Bits – Volume 3, Issue No. 14 – March 28, 2021


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