
Welcome back Brothers Antonio Pisco and Angel Mansoa

hspace=5Our two senior brothers left at different times for holidays. Brother Pisco left a bit earlier and Br. Mansoa followed at the beginning of July. Unforeseen circumstances delayed the return of Br. Pisco around mid June. We hoped he would return mid July while Br. Mansoa was at home in Spain. It was not possible for Pisco to return as anticipated because of health reasons. As Br. Norbert would be leaving for Zambia for the annual retreat and the Council meeting, only Simeon alone would have been left at the noviciate with 24 novices. A solution was found. Br. Joao Torcato was asked by the Provincial to accompany Simeon until our two senior Brothers return at different times from their homeleave and Br. Norbert from Zambia. When the news of the solution reached Brother Mansoa, his heart burnt. He give it a second thought and felt he should return immediately . This made him cut short his holiday and return even before Br. Pisco, on the 15th August. He informed us that he had changed his return ticket in Madrid and would be arriving at Maputo around 19.30 p.m.. Of course the plane delayed a bit in South Africa and arrived only at 21.30 p.m. On this day we were celebrating the Assumption and saying farewell to Brother Joe Walton who was leaving the following day. Three of our novices asked to give me company. Yes, joy was the only mood we knew as he came out of ?the saida porta?. Daniel Katumbi was the first one to hug him just at the exit door. Then came the turn of myself, followed by David and finally Shepherd. We could not hold our emotions of joy when we saw our dear Brother in good and sound health and happy to be back. Upon arrival at the noviciate, he astounded us, while some of us rushed for something to eat, himself went to his room and soon after went to greet Jesus in the chapel. He stayed before the Blessed Sacrament for quality time and then went straight to bed. At that time all but the Chriss Mwansa, were in bed resting. Majority met him only in the morning after Communion service. We saw on the chalkboard, ? Bem vindo Irmao Mansoa?. Zeal for companionship and mission can make us cut short our holiday. Thank you Brother Mansoa. Indeed we were missing you. Our trip to Swaziland would not be realized if a member of staff was not with the first year novices. We see you at the top form of life and already busy as you settle down.

Brother Psico too ? Parabens! Bem vindo!? We were keenly following up your health progress and your were remembered in our prayer intentions daily. We see you in good form and already you have started processing official documents, for example the ?Dire? of Br. Mansoa and the passport of Baptista Fernando. Friends who kept phoning while you were away are happy too to see you back but we are the most happy to have you in our midst.

Now, we are waiting for Irmao Norbert. Via chegar at the end of the month. Once he arrives, Simeon may temporary go to Malawi for a week visit to renew his driving license. I am also certain that Norbert too will have his driving license sometime in September. He looks more confident to go for the driving test. You are in our prayer intentions and we are looking forward to your coming home at the end of the month. As they say in Portuguese, ? Estamos sempre juntos!? God bless.

Simeon Banda, fms, Matola.


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Circular do irmĂŁo provincial 10 / 2008...