2021-04-12 CANADA

Marists in Canada take a time of renewal

The end of Lent is a good time to stop and revisit what makes us live. And Marist Canada has to look at the future with new eyes: to move from Province to District for the brothers, and for the laity, to rethink the AMDL (Marist Lay Association) for the AMCC (Marist Champagnat Association of Canada) for a greater unity.

In this ferment of life, the brothers and laypeople wanted to give themselves a time of renewal together to strengthen even more the links which unite us around the values which are common to us. To this end, a mixed team of six people (laypeople and brothers, women and men) took to themselves the mission of preparing a substantial “buffet” that would reach each and every one of the participants in their personal journey. It was necessary to find a “service” that could satisfy all tastes. Two meetings were therefore scheduled (Saturday 27 March and Saturday 3 April).

But how to keep the flame burning between these two meetings? During the week, each participant received a daily “capsule” that dealt with a theme for reflection: each participant had the opportunity to go deeper, at his or her own pace, into the proposed subject that touched on the general theme of the two days of meetings.

The two meetings (27 March and 3 April) were centred on a general theme: “My Marist history: treasures to discover”. The first reflection was based on the idea that “no one is born a Marist but that we (brothers and lay people) are all called to become one day by day”; the participants were invited to share how, concretely, each one lives these values of our charism, at his or her rhythm, in his or her state of life and in his or her environment. The second meeting was definitely more future-oriented: going beyond our fears and concerns to open up more and to draw on the treasures and gifts that each person carries for the good of all. At the end of each of the Saturday meetings, a person came to share his or her vision of hope: Br. Ernesto Sánchez in the first week and Br. Luis Felipe, from Central Mexico, in the second week.

At the end of the second meeting, the participants of each reflection team were invited to formulate a “Marist credo” which, in its own way, sought to restate its attachment to the values that unite us. It is in this spirit that we want to enter the world of new life that awaits us. May Mary and Champagnat accompany us on the path to the future that is opening before us, brothers and lay people.


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