2019-03-18 GENERAL HOUSE

Exercising roles of service as a team

The new Provincials met in the General House, from the 13th till the 15th of March, with the objective of creating synergy and to exercise their roles of service as a team. 

Among those present were Brother Provincials : Mervyn Perera (East Asia), Benê Oliveira, (Brazil Centro-Sul), Brother Michel M. Razafimandimby (Madagascar), Vincent Abadom (Nigeria), Raúl Schönfeld (Cruz del Sur), Robert Thunus (West Central Europe), Dominador Aquino Santiago (East Asia). 

Over the two days that the meeting lasted, the participants analyzed the organisational aspects related to personal and administrative processes together. They also shared their experiences of work, reflected on the pending topics and how to face difficult situations in the Provinces.  

During the meeting, the Provincials also had a opportunity to examine their functions and combined work. 

Participating in the session, advising on the dynamics, were Brothers: Ernesto Sánchez (Superior General), Luis Carlos Gutiérrez (Vicar General), Juan Miguel Anaya (Procurator General), Carlos Huidobro (General Secretary), Óscar Martin (General Councillor) and Libardo Garzón (General Bursar).


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