2014-06-10 MEXICO

II International Marist Mission Assembly

On 19 May in “Quinta Soledad” the Provincial phase of the II International Marist Mission Assembly took place. Laity, youth and brothers met around the fire to dialogue and share the fruits of the local gatherings, as well as their hopes and challenges.

We began the day by greeting our Good Mother. We expressed our concerns, gratitude and offerings. 

Br Provincial, Ricardo Uriel Reynoso Ramírez, addressed us a message of welcome and invited us to be creative in responding to the Mission like Champagnat and the first Brothers.

One moment of interest during the day was to learn about the actual state of the Mission in the Province. Br José Sánchez Bravo, Co-ordinator of the Provincial Pastoral Education Team, inspired reflection by emphasizing the shared task we have today to care for the children, adolescents and young people in our works and how necessary it is to be bold in transforming the situations of our country.

The participants heard about the process conducted in the Province, starting last July. During this period, 27 groups have been formed, bringing together 1,256 participants, lay people, brothers and youth.

During the Assembly, five work groups were created. Reflection in each was done on the basis of the axes of Spirituality, Conversion, Vocation, New relationship, and Evangelization. Calls emerged which seek the renewal of Marist life and mission today.

The plenary sessions were times of listening which encouraged the construction of suggestions for the final report to the Preparatory Commission of the II IMMA and the Institute. 

We approached Mary in a good atmosphere and family spirit, and through the Salve we sought her blessing on the dialogue and the selection of the Delegates to be proposed to the Provincial Council for designating the brother and the lay person to go to Nairobi in September. 

To end the day, we offered a Eucharist of thanksgiving. We were grateful for the work achieved and sent out to continue working for the realization of the dream of Champagnat.


Br José Sánchez Bravo
Teresita Hernández Salazar
Prof. Carlos Ulises Centeno López
Prof. José Eduardo Robles Uribe
Preparatory Commission


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