2010-07-25 MEXICO

Province of « México occidental »

Melesio, Felipe, Miguel, Rodrigo and Iván took their first vows last month on 13 June in Morelia, Mexico, while Jonatas and Kinson took theirs on the 19th of the same month in Dame Marie, Haití. All belong to the Province of México Occidental.

During their Novitiate experience they discovered in their lives the great love God has for them and which they have confirmed in their personal stories. They have been sensitive to the appeals of children and youth which they have converted into a vocational call: meetings with them in the missions, in catechetical centres, in the school, in the neighbourhood, in the penitential centres, among children with special needs (handicapped), etc.

After serious discernment, they have decided to commit their lives to God?s Project as Little Brothers of Mary. This is the way they have expressed it in the celebrations held in the company of the Brothers of the Mexican Provinces and the Sector of Haití, and of their families and friends.

They enter on this life at a time full of challenges: when young people are longing for witnesses, for brothers who will accompany them in their lives. They make their vows to let the people of Haití know that they can count on them, especially after the tragic events they have lived through.

We wish that in their generous commitment they succeed in becoming true disciples of Champagnat: that they have a deep love for Jesus and Mary, for children and young people, arrive at apostolic zeal, be known for the Marist virtues, especially simplicity? that they be our Brothers and our companions on the journey.

Let us always remember what Jesus says to us: ?I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you?. Jn 13: 15.


Luis Felipe González Ruiz, fms


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