2009-03-09 UNITED STATES

That I might follow Christ in this community of Marist Brothers

On Sunday, February 8, after completing six months of postulancy, Brian Poulin was formally received into the USA novitiate in an investiture ceremony held during a mass celebrated by Father Richard LaMorte at the Marist Brothers Retreat House in Esopus, New York.
A large group of Brothers as well as Brian?s parents and friends joined him on this special day.

Prior to receiving the habit, Brian was asked what his intention was. He stated:
I wish to continue learning and experiencing your way of life. And I am willing to be tested that I might follow Christ wholeheartedly in this community of Marist Brothers.

Following this, Brian made his formal request to begin his novitiate:

Drawn by God?s mercy, I have come here to learn your way of life. I ask you to teach me to follow Christ and to live in poverty, chastity and obedience. Teach me to persevere in prayer and sacrifice in the service of the Church, the Congregation and all of God?s people. Teach me to be with you in heart and mind. Help me to live out the Gospel every day of my life. Teach me your constitutions and help me to learn to love my brothers as Christ commanded me.

In response, Brother John Klein, Provincial, said to Brian:
May God in his mercy be with you always and may Christ our teacher grant light to us all.

In the third part of the initiation rite, Brian received the Constitutions from Brother John who said:
Brother Brian, receive the Constitutions of the Marist Brothers. May your study and fidelity to living these Constitutions, enable you to follow Christ as Mary did, as you embrace the charism of St. Marcellin Champagnat and the Marist Brothers.

For those able to attend the mass and ceremony, it was a moving event, proof that God is still calling young men to Marist life. A wonderful testament to this was the presence of Brother Valerian Doiron, our Province Dean, who, as the oldest member of the Province, was present to welcome the newest member of our Province.

Also present at Brian?s investiture were a number of young men who are in dialogue with Michael Sheerin. These ?discerners? are young men who have expressed interest in learning more about the Marist Brothers, our ministry, and our Marist way of life.


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