2008-12-11 PUERTO RICO

Guaynabo, 14 and 15 November 2008

In Guaynabo (Puerto Rico), on 14 and 15 November 2008, the Team of Marist Mission in America met together. Those taking part, as can be seen from the photograph [from left to right] are: Ernesto Reyes (Chile), Landelino Ortego (Venezuela), MĂ©rcia ProcĂłpio (Brazil), Emili TurĂş (General Councillor), Juan Miguel Anaya (Secretary, General Administration), Annabel Correa (Puerto Rico), Wellington Mousinho de Medeiros (Brazil) and Juan Ignacio Fuentes (Argentina).
After going over the history of the Team and the activities organized in the course of these years, which were valued very positively by the participants and the respective brother provincials, we centred on looking at the work carried out by the diverse work groups, or subcommittees, created last year.

1. – the subcommittee in charge of preparing some actions for the formation of directives has met on two occasions.
It sent out a survey to the provinces to gather data on this topic. The answers received have helped to develop a scheme of work to identify the current reality, the challenges that confront us and some suggestions for action. 4 areas were detected in which the Marist directives of the continent have a high-priority need for formation: institutional administration, curricular administration, administration of resources and administration of the climate-atmosphere (coexistence). Networks will be very useful for all of this.
The subcommittee began to develop a proposal to have a meeting with 3 people per province in May 2009, to evaluate the conclusions arrived at. In our dialogue it was made clear that this was not the most opportune moment, and we decided to re-visit the topic at our next meeting.
The subcommittee will meet again in February 2009 to complete the diagnosis using the data gathered from the survey, to give such data to those responsible for each province, facilitating understanding through simple language and a flexible presentation, and to prepare suggestions so that each province can study them in conjunction with their directive, if they feel this to be opportune. It is important that this topic be discussed at the local level so that we can gather information directly from the collegiate teams and integrate in the final proposal whatever will be proposed by the next General Chapter to the whole Institute.

2. – The subcommittee of Youth Pastoral, with the approval of the brother provincials, organized a meeting of provincial delegates in Lima, from 25 to 30 August, entitled ?Let us go where the young people are. It was an attempt, of which a very positive evaluation has been made, to approach the youth cultures of our continent. Information on the meeting has already been placed on the website.

3. ? We have just finished preparing a meeting The Administration at the service of the Mission and its future from 10 to 15 March 2009 in Guatemala. The website has already mentioned the two meetings held by the subcommittee in charge.
It is important to help concentrate on the future of the mission, a concern that is at the heart of all the followers of Champagnat. The paradigms that we use in the administration of our works should not exempt us from the discernment that we need to make our mission more charismatic and more significant.
It is planned that Provinces of all the continents take part in the meeting.

4. – The subcommittee in charge of preparing some actions related to Solidarity met on two occasions, the first one in May, in Brazil, and the second, in October, in Argentina. It is planned, with the Brother Provincials approval, that from 23 to 27 January 2009 in BelĂ©m de Pará, Brazil, the meeting Coração Solidário na America should take place, giving the opportunity to participate in the World Social Forum that will take place later on (until February 1) in the same city.
In the course of the meeting we hope to address 3 situations: the work to develop a document on Social Mission in America; the presentation of the new Marist Foundation for International Solidarity (FMSI), from Rome; participation in the World Social Forum.
Regarding the first, we wish to initiate a process that culminates in 2012 in the next meeting of solidarity which will be the 4th. There is a strong desire to relate this document and our practices to the suggestions and definitions recorded in the Assembly of Mission of Mendes.
Regarding the second, there are great hopes that the meeting in Belém could involve a strong impetus for networking and the presence of the Institute before the UN in Geneva. Marist representatives from foundations and provinces of other continents will be present.
Regarding the third, we will participate officially as Marists in the Forum, presenting some workshops and themes.

We want to emphasise our gratitude for the great kindness provided by the brothers of Puerto Rico, especially those of the Marist School of Guaynabo, and our hostess, Annabel. We concluded the time we spent together on Sunday 16th by visiting the school and community of ManatĂ­ (the other Marist work in Puerto Rico) and the old San Juan.


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