14th Provincial Chapter
Chapter statement
During our days together at The Hermitage, Mittagong, we have been heartened by the fidelity and the creativity of the members of the Province as they continue to realise the dream of Marcellin Champagnat to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to young people, especially those on the margins of Church and society. Among Brothers and Lay, young and old, women and men, the Marist project grows, changes, and gives life to the Church.
At this moment of grace in the life of the Province we affirm especially:
– the momentum, direction and focus of the mission of the Province as it is being led by the Marist Ministries Office;
– the enhanced sense of co-responsibility for Marist mission by the Brothers and the Lay members of the Province;
– the steps that are being taken in the formation of Brothers and Laity in Marist spirituality and mission;
– the stewardship of the material assets and resources of the Province; and
– our growing regional awareness and our ongoing sense of shared responsibility for the Institute?s mission beyond our own Province.
We believe that, in the immediate future, priority should be given to:
the recruitment and formation of more young Brothers, with a clear sense of the roles they will play in the mission of the Province;
improving our experience of attentive and respectful ? companionship in community and in ministry;
finding processes to assist all brothers to share as fully as possible in the mission of the Province;
formation of leaders of Brothers? communities and of Marist ministries;
recognising and developing the sense of Marist vocation being expressed increasingly by lay people;
making a conscious practical thrust to further assist marginalised and needy children and youth in Marist schools and other Province works;
assisting today?s young people to engage productively in the life of the Church;
consideration of how we can most effectively use the Province?s material assets in the service of the gospel; and
the Province continuing to move forward in collaboration with the Brothers of the region in sharing our vision, resources and mission.
In the months leading up to next year?s Assembly, we invite all who share with us in the life and mission of the Province to reflect and to imagine how these directions and priorities can be further sharpened so that the gospel of Jesus Christ can take root ever more fruitfully among the young people entrusted to our care.
We recommend to the incoming Provincial and Council that, in their planning of next year?s Province Assembly and future Provincial Chapters, they develop ways to engage effectively and representatively all those who are inspired by Marcellin?s way.
Chapter Resolutions
1. This Chapter recommends to the Provincial and Council that the 15th Provincial Chapter be held in conjunction with a representative gathering. The business of the gathering is the life and mission of the Province for the purpose of planning for the future.
2. In preparation for the 2008 Province Assembly, the Provincial and Council will engage the Province in a process of reflection on the vitality and viability of Marist life and mission in the region.
3. This Chapter notes the submissions received and hands them to the Provincial Council to be referred to the appropriate group for further consideration.