2018-09-13 LEBANON

21 Marists to form new mixed community

A new mixed community with both laity and brothers is being formed at the Collège Mariste Champville – an elementary, secondary and high school in Dik el Mehdi, 18km north of Beirut, Lebanon.

The community will be made up of 21 Marists – five brothers and 16 laity, including three married couples.

They were chosen after a year’s discernment and accompaniment by provincial superior Brother Juan Carlos Fuertes Marí.

The community will meet together several times a week for prayer as well as for weekend retreats once a month.

The members will meet from Sept. 21 – 23 to discuss the community’s lifestyle in greater detail, with the guidance of Brother Carlos Mario McEwen who will serve as their superior.

Some members will live in the community building at the school’s campus full-time and others part-time, while a few will live there just a few days during the week. Other members will live in their own homes.

The community members are:

  • Brothers Anthony Doe Siryeh (Liberia – West Africa district), Antoine Jarjour (Lebanon – Mediterranea province, originally from Syria), Carlos Mario McEwen Ochoa (Lebanon – Mediterranea province, originally from Colombia), Eric Kramo (Ghana – West Africa district) and Jean Claude Robert (Lebanon – Mediterranea province, originally from Egypt).
  • Angelique and Miled Hobeika, Pascale and Nagy Jalkh, and Sabine and Georges Sawaya (married couples); Annick Hawat, Daniel Kara, Édouard Jabre, Joseph Mikhael, Mario Ibrahim, Maroun Bou Matar, Michel Abdallah, René Salem, Rita Khoury and Roy El Daher.

The six young children of the couples are not included in the list and will be considered as unofficial members of the community for the time being.


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