25 capitulants from the 6 countries
The twenty-five capitulants from the six countries of the Province (Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe) met at Marist Secondary School, Mtendere from 25 to 29 October 2010. They discovered that the chapter room had been arranged with five circular tables with five places at each. Clearly, the local Chapter was going to use the same methodology as the General Chapter held last year.The Province was fortunate to secure the services of Br Joe McKee, Vicar General, as facilitator of the Chapter, as well as the supporting presence of Br Antônio Ramalho, the Councillor General appointed to be the link with the General Council.The first highlight of the Chapter was the installation of Brother Joe Walton as the third Superior of the Province in succession to Brother Lawrence Ndawala. During the opening ceremony, Br Joe presented a piece of rock hewn from the site of the Hermitage as a symbol of laying a foundation for the renewal of the Province, a foundation that would need the collaboration of all the Brothers just as Father Champagnat and his early disciples set out to do in the year 1824-1825.In his report on completion of his mandate to, Br Lawrence highlighted the need for the Brothers to reflect carefully on the most effective structure for the animation and government of a Province with six countries and some 30 communities with many of them far from other houses of the Institute. It goes without saying that he congratulated Br Joe on his appointment. In turn Br Joe expressed the heartfelt gratitude of the Brothers for the loving service that his predecessor had rendered to the Brothers and the Church for the past six years.The discussions on themes relevant to our lives as consecrated persons at the service of needy children and young people were very amicable and fruitful. Our work focussed on developing some orientations to guide the Provincial and his Council in their task. Four main areas emerged: formation, finance, communication, and spiritual renewal. Delegates were free to choose which of the four areas to work on for the development of a list of proposed lines of action for the Provincial Council to consider. It was decided to retain, for the time being, the existing system of a Councillor appointed from each of the six sectors in the Province. The following were duly elected as Councillors for the first three-year mandate of Br Joe Walton: Angola ? Br Thomas Sawalia; Malawi ? Br Nicholas Banda; Mozambique ? Felizardo Maceia; South Africa ? Br Jude Pieterse; Zambia ? Br Patrick Bwalya; Zimbabwe ? Br Fortune Chakasara. Later on the same day, Br Joe Walton announced that Br Nicholas Banda had accepted to be the Vice-Provincial. Additionally, he mentioned that he had appointed Br Mario Colussi as Provincial Secretary and his personal secretary. During the closing liturgy, Br Joseph once again brought up the piece of ?Hermitage? rock at the Offertory. All the Brothers present then added a stone of their own to symbolise their commitment to work together to re-create the spirit of the Hermitage. The concluding address delivered by Br Joe was a message of hope expressing trust in the Lord in the spirit of Mary and Champagnat.