A clearer perception of what it means to be a GLOBAL FAMILY
This Tuesday sees the end of the meeting of Provincials and District Superiors , which took place in the General House, from the 4th to the 12th of March. It had as its objective the strengthening of the sense of our Global Marist Family.
Under the title "called to live a prophetic and serving leadership in corresponsibility ", were present the members of the General Council, the Provincials, the District Superiors and other members of the General Administration.
In the course of the first three days of the meeting, the Provincials and Superiors reflected on the advances achieved after a year and half of the XXII General Chapter, and they analyzed the process of the strategic Plan of the General Administration for animation, leadership and government.
During this time they evaluated the Marist projects and initiatives, the topic "mission without bounds", and the development of the communities of the project Lavalla200>. In the same way, arguments were directed to reinforce the Global Marist Family and the ongoing formation of the Brothers. And it also considered in a special way the future of the Regions.
On the 8th and 9th of March a workshop was organised with the purpose of addressing the crisis arising from situations of sexual abuse. Following the programme, the penultimate day of the meeting dealt with the topic of " the prophetic and serving leadership" and " team leadership ". On the last day of the meeting, ideas were exchanged on how to create synergies, and there was time for reflection on the Synod and the key points for the Institute in connection with young people.
We have experienced some days of meeting in a climate of fraternity. Cultural diversity makes us perceive what it means to be a GLOBAL FAMILY which dreams of a hopeful future for the Marist charism and mission ", as expressed by Brother Moisés Alonso Pérez, Provincial of Ibérica.
"My experience at this meeting has meant a new immersion in the vision of the General Chapter of 2017. I liked the point of view shared by the Superior General and his advice on the strategic Plan and these have given me a new enthusiasm for my apostolate. And through the exchanges among the participants I experienced more deeply the reality of our "Global Body", pointed out Brother Théoneste Kalisa, Provincial of East Central Africa.
In the course of the meeting, the Provincials and Superiors also had an opportunity to dialogue with the Superior General or Vicar General, the counsellors and the directors of the secretariats and departments of the General Administration.