2005-12-10 ARGENTINA

A second century of Marist evangelisation

The festivities have been celebrated for the 100 years of Marist presence in Mar del Plata. The Peralta Ramos Institute, its friends, former students, collaborators and brothers came to celebrate in the Cathedral of the city of Mar del Plata on Friday the 18th November. The Eucharist was celebrated at eight thirty in the evening, concelebrated by priests who are former students or friends of the Institute.
On the 16th November, in the Institute?s auditorium, an exposition of student works from all levels was held. In the afternoon, the children?s choir performed followed by the parents? choir. Finally the curtain opened on the musical comedy ?Dracula, a different love?, performed by the theatre workshop, teachers and students, under the direction of Cecilia Gispert.
The various celebrations culminated in a picnic day during which 1400 people enjoyed the ?Centenary Roast?.
In the afternoon, a musical festival livened up a sunny spring day on the sports fields.
The challenge felt by all was how to maintain the enthusiasm inherited from the pioneering founders for a second century of Marist evangelisation.

On the 26th and 27th November, the VII National Meeting of Marist Ex-students was held in Mar del Plata. It was organised by the Association of Marist Ex-Students of the Peralta Ramos Institute and sponsored by the Argentinean Federation of Marist Ex-Students. Participants in the meeting included members from the Associations of Ex-Students from the Colegio M. Belgrano, Colegio San José de Pergamino, Colegio Ntra. Sra. de Luján, Instituto San José de Morón and the Instituto Peralta Ramos de Mar del Plata. Also present were members of the Executive Commission of the Argentinean Federation of Marist Ex-Students and Brother Carmelo Maggioni (National Liaison person).


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