Adding Lives, Multiplying Horizons
Various community experiences in the Institute are specifying the meaning of the title. Sharing spirituality, mission, brotherhood… helps us–both brothers and laity–to have a broader sense of our identities, of our charism, of our Institute, of the Church. In an effort to bring to light all these sources of vitality in our Institute, we have compiled in these first four booklets (we are considering making more) the principal experiences of communion, of the new relationship, of community journeys.
These are the materials:
Living the Marist Charism with Others
Shared communities of Santa María de los Andes
28 lay people and 33 brothers, in 12 communities in Chile, Peru and Bolivia, try to live the new relationship requested by the Chapter. These communities, they point out, were not born from a lack of religious vocations and from the difficulty of maintaining their communities, as it might seem at first glance, but it is the Spirit who is inviting the multiplication in the Church of distinct forms of living communion and mutual enrichment between men and women religious and lay men and women. Basically, these communities are evidence of a new way of living as Church.
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Adding Lives, Multiplying Horizons
Community Experiences of the Institute
In the Institute there have been arising community experiences as a response to the desires of the laity themselves: “We want to be part of their life, of their spirituality and of their mission” (Message from the Laity at the 20th General Chapter), as well as the conviction of a group of Brothers who declare that living the Marist charism with others enriches and complements their identity. In this booklet several of these communities are described.
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Vocational Process for Laity and Lay Marists
in Santa María de los Andes
The province of Santa María de los Andes has begun a process of discernment and formation for lay men and women who feel God calling them to live their life project of following Jesus within the Marist charism. They have been experiencing this for a number of years. In principle, to those who opt to form part of this Movement it is proposed that they go through these four stages: Invitation. Initiation. Deepening. Linking. The document offers identification of the lay communities that follow these processes.
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Marist Group Life
Experiences of Ibérica, Compostela and L´Hermitage
Without speaking strictly of community there are community dimensions which develop between Brothers and laity. These can be described as processes of faith, as encounters of reflection, as apostolic experiences, as moments of sharing life. With this vision the Marist groups of the Hermitage, Ibérica and Compostela have arisen. These groups promote meetings where there is faith sharing or dialoging on aspects of formation, or certain apostolic works are carried out… All of this in a climate of much flexibility and without stable structures. The offer another way of living with others the Marist charism.
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