Agios.Mar 3
Pope Francis has appointed Father José Jaime Brosel Gavilá, a priest of Valencia, Spain, as the new rapporteur of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
Father José Jaime, who was until now official of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, had also collaborated as a theological consultant ‘ad casum’ in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and has been a postulator of several causes. It was he who studied and made the report as a consultant on the cause of Brother Crisanto.
With his appointment as rapporteur in October, he will be in charge of the orientation of the writing of the ‘Positio’ or reports on the martyrdom of Brother Eusebio and 58 companions.
Fr José Jaime, 50, was born in Valencia, where he also received the priestly ordination in 1992. He has been assigned to the service of the Holy See in Rome since 2008 and was previously a diocesan delegate of catechesis in the archdiocese of Valencia.
Brother Antonio Martínez Estaún
Postulator general