Arco Norte commission meets in Guadalajara
The commission appointed by the Provincial Brothers of the Arco Norte region and in charge of helping develop its relationships as a region met in Guadalajara, Mexico from Jan. 10 – 14.
“We hope that the Provincials and their councils can count on a work tool in March that helps us move forward in our collaboration as the region of Arco Norte,” stated Brother Gregorio Linacero, who resides in Guatemala.
Brothers and laity from all of the region’s provinces participated with the guidance of the Provincial of México Occidental and regional coordinator, Brother Miguel Santos.
“We resumed the reflection that is taking place throughout the Institute related to the New Models of Animation, Government and Management,” Br Gregorio told the general house press office on Jan. 20.
He underscored that afterwards they began preparing a work tool “that must be addressed by the Provincial Councils of Arco Norte in the March meeting in Quito.”
“The working approach was ambitious and was not completed,” he added. “We left with tasks to complete in our provinces and a calendar to coordinate the completion of such work.”
Br Gregorio labelled the participation of the Institute’s Secretariat of Mission director, Brother Joao Carlos do Prado, and of the advisor of the New Models Project, Luca Olivari, as “valuable collaboration” and expressed gratitude for their support.
“A fraternal spirit prevailed during the meeting and the Province of México Occidental showed generous hospitality,” he said.