Assembly of Marist Leaders of México Occidental
On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd May, the 3rd Assembly of Marist Leaders took place, with the aim of considering the near future in the face of social and structural changes that will accompany this new beginning.
The Assembly started on Thursday 21st May at 9.00 a.m. by video-conference. After an introduction and setting out of objectives by Brother Agustín Acevedo, the groups were sent out to reflect on the changes perceived in the social reality and how we are going to respond to all these new developments as a group of educational works. A vision of the Province was provided and a call to work together as a great Marist network was reinforced.
On the second day, the structural innovations with which the Province of México Occidental seeks to give swift and flexible responses to current and future social realities were presented, thus implementing a part of the Provincial Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025. A Marist Mission Council, the Network of Directors and the Development Groups were created.
The Council for the Marist Mission is the guarantor of the processes of the works and of giving direction for the best fulfilment of the mission. It is supported by the Network of Directors where information is shared, knowledge is generated and it is accompanied as a great work; and the groups accompany and systematize, with flexible processes, so that each work develops in the best possible way.
The province of México Occidental is present in 11 states of the Mexican Republic, with more than 29 educational centres covering all levels, from pre-school to university, as well as different social programmes.