2020-07-13 SPAIN

Solidarity campaign “Together for your rights” of Province Ibérica

Three organisations that make up the platform of social works of the Iberian Province have organised a new solidarity initiative to help families during the COVID-19 crisis.

We are Ausartzen (Erandio-Bizkaia), Espiral (Fuenlabrada, Humanes and Lavapiés – Madrid) and Todo Avanza (Alcalá de Henares-Madrid), three sister bodies which have been working in a network for many years and which together make up the platform of Marist Social Works in Iberia. We want to share a new solidarity initiative to help many families during this crisis of the COVID-19.

Generally, we carry out projects of an educational and social nature with children and families at risk of social exclusion, among other types of activity. Our dedication and effort with our families has made them trust us and confide in us the difficult situation they are going through. Their initial situation was already precarious, but the current crisis is aggravating their shortcomings. That is why our aim is to help compensate for the difficulties they are going through.

We will allocate this aid to 50 of our families (some of the most vulnerable) to help them cover the following expenses:

  • Rent.
  • Energy supplies.
  • Food.
  • Internet access: data/electronic media for school monitoring.

To obtain this aid, we have created a Solidarity Campaign through the Kukumiku Crowdfunding Solidarity platform. If you would like to collaborate with our initiative, go to https://www.kukumiku.com/proyectos/juntos-por-sus-derechos/ and make a contribution to help us cover these needs.

All help counts, however small. Thank you for your collaboration and for sharing!


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