2020-04-08 GENERAL HOUSE

Br. Ken McDonald, Councillor General: Celebrating Easter at the time of COVID – 19

Br. Ken McDonald Councillor General

Easter is a time to celebrate God’s lavish generosity and God’s unconditional love. For me, this is the message of the risen Christ and that this love and generosity are available to all.

How do we make sense of Easter in these unprecedented times with enforced isolation, social distancing and our fear of the unknown future? We live with the uncertainty of not knowing who among our family and friends will become sick and perhaps die.  People lives have changed unalterably.

Living in the General House, at this time we feel the impact of the current situation less than many. Surely those whose isolation means they spend their day in confined apartments, those who are separated from family and loved ones and those whose who have lost their jobs and are unclear of their future will find this Easter difficult.

The coming of the light of Christ has always been associated with our experience of Easter.  How do we continue to be people who believe in the risen Christ? It will be in the way we treat each other and the words that we use with each other that will be the most important message we can give this Easter. It is through our actions and words, continuing to be generous and to show our love that Christ’s light will continue to be present in the world in these challenging times.


Br. Ken McDonald – Councillor General


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