2021-01-20 GENERAL HOUSE

Celebration of the 25th anniversary of Brother Basilio’s death

The Marists are celebrating this 21st January, the 25th anniversary of the death of Br. Basilio Rueda Guzmán, Servant of God, whose cause is now introduced in Rome.  Currently, the drafting of the Positio has begun in order to prove his heroic virtues and to have him declared “Venerable”.

Brother Basilio was one of the most listened to and balanced leaders of the years of the Conciliar Renewal, not only in the Institute of the Marist Brothers but in general, of all religious life.

“I have asked the Lord to do his holy will in me, asking nothing but that for me. And I have only begged Him that the gift of faith, the gift of hope, abandonment and the gift of love, may keep them very fresh and very alive”, we read in a message sent by Brother Basilio to his friends, a month before his death.

Born in Mexico, Jalisco, in 1924, the Marist Servant of God made his first vows in 1944. From 1967 to 1985, he served as Superior General of the Marist Brothers.

In the 1980’s, he was called to be an auditor for the Family Synod, where he met Mother Teresa several times. In 1995, the Vatican appointed him a consultant for the Congregation of the Institutes of Consecrated Life.

During the course of his life, Brother Basilio put into practice what he so desired: “To burn my life for Christ and for my Congregation”. After a life of dedication to his brothers, to Mary, to Christ and to all the people around him, Brother Basilio returned to the Father’s house on January 21, 1996.

Eight years after his death, in 2004, the diocesan process for his cause was initiated in Guadalajara (Mexico) and concluded in 2019. After the decree of approval of the diocesan process, the Roman process was started in 2020 to demonstrate the heroic virtues of the Servant of God.

More information about Brother Basilio Rueda: http://bit.ly/2LCgekV

Celebration for 2021 – 25 years: English | Español | PortuguĂŞs


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