The General Council and the Provincial Council of the Province of L?Hermitage have formed a ?Commission of Marist Places? to study the ways in which the Hermitage, La Valla, Rosey and les Maisonettes should be developed in the future. The General Council has appointed the following brothers to the Commission: Albert André, George Fontana, Javier Espinosa and José Pérez. The Province of L?Hermitage is represented by Brothers Alain Delorme, Jean-Pierre Destombes, Maurice Goutagny and Michel Morel. The group is co-ordinated by Brothers Josep Maria Soteras and Onorino Rota.
The first meeting was held at the Hermitage on the 18th and 19th September during which the Commission decided on the way in which it would work, planned a time schedule and took the first steps in coming to a definition of the general plan of action.
The Commission agreed that our Marist places of origin must be able to respond to the needs of welcoming brothers and laypeople, but at the same time they must be able to offer the possibility of experiencing a revitalisation in the spirit of the Founder and the early brothers. (Constitutions 109.6) Thus, it is not a matter of simply conserving and appreciating the existing patrimony history but also to implement innovative proposals that are able to respond to today?s demands and especially to those of tomorrow. ?Our father?s house? is not only a museum of our origins, but must always become more and more the centre from where our Marist charism radiates.