2012-11-16 ITALY

Discovering the beauty of the « Marists »

The first meeting with the two fraternities of Giugliano took place on Sunday 21 October at the Marist Brothers’ school. The first fraternity was set up in 2004, while the second began its journey last year, following a series of meetings for people to get to know one another better. Some of the members of the « new » fraternity have found growing in them a great « curiosity » about the Marist spirit. How beautiful it is to come across someone who has just discovered the beauties of the « Marists » ! As adults and as families, it is beautiful (and sometimes also difficult) to face the attraction of a project which grows from day to day and whose point of reference is the charism of Marcellin.

Moments of true meeting and sharing between the two fraternities and the community of Marist brothers were not lacking. Like a real family, we were all gathered around the same table in a climate of family spirit and simplicity.


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