2024-06-05 GENERAL HOUSE

First week of the Gier 2024 program

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Since May 28, 15 Brothers from 8 Administrative Units have been participating in the Gier 2024 ongoing formation program. This is the fourth edition of the program, which is aimed at Brothers who have made their final profession in the last 5-10 years. It is an intercultural program that helps the participants to concretely live the experience of being a global family. During the first few days, various activities were carried out, coordinated by Brother Tony Leon and the directors of the Brothers Today Secretariat.

Here below, Br. Francisco Arnold, from the Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province, one of the participants in the program, tells us about his experience during the first week of the program.


I came to the GIER 2024 program with the expectation of getting to know new places and Brothers from other countries. In my first minutes here, I was already surprised by the welcome I received from brothers from the most diverse places and with languages so different from mine. This has been one of the most incredible and exciting experiences I have lived: a different country welcoming me, living with Brothers from such different cultures, which have opened the doors of my heart to live the multicultural experience and dive into deeper waters. Today, June 5, we are going to meet Pope Francis and, in a few days, the places where Champagnat began to dream with the Marists all over the world.

It is very special to be able to get to know different places in the world that Champagnat dreamed of, with different cultures, foods and languages that sometimes confuse me. All this in the same place, in the same house, under the same roof and under the mantle of our Good Mother, in Rome.

What characterizes this meeting is self-help, respect and understanding. And the language that works best is that of love, surrender and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. All this is inspired by our father Champagnat and the examples of good brothers who have gone before us.

This experience of the Gier program has certainly had a great impact and is transforming me into a more humanized, better human being, called to spend his energies in an integral way in evangelizing and transforming so many lives that no longer find meaning, the Montagnes of the 21st century, those for whom Jesus Christ feels the greatest affection and tenderness.


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