2008-01-16 BRAZIL

Following Jesus in the spirit of the Year of Spirituality

The Constitutions state that each year a Province is to offer to the Brothers of the Province the chance of making a retreat. In view of the great expanse of the Province of Brazil Centro Norte, the Brothers could select one of two Province retreats, each of the two directed by female religious. The retreats? central theme was: following Jesus in the consecrated life. Given the present Year of Spirituality, such a theme could not be more apt; the Brothers have taken their retreat time very seriously as an occasion of prayer and of encounter with Jesus.

This year?s retreat concluded with the traditional tribute to our jubilarians, the renewal of temporary vows on the part of our nineteen young Brothers, and the perpetual profession of Brother José Antonio dos Santos, Rubens Falqueto, Rafael Ferreira Júnior, and José Edvan da Silva Costa. How encouraging it has been to see that the Marist charism continues to attract young, enthusiastic men who are full of apostolic fervor!

All the Brothers of the Province are delighted to have witnessed the professions. They praise God for the experience, and thank our Good Mother for the vocations that have been granted to the Province.


Harare: December 18 ? 20, 2007...


A Testimonial in the Mediterránea Province...