Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale Onlus
Bringing assistance to those suffering in Haiti has been the topic of discussions recently held by FMSI (Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale Onlus), The General Council and the Province of ?México Occidental?. The discussions aim at coordinating Institute resources so as to respond in the best way possible to the overwhelming needs of the country through immediate and long-range plans. We will assist our Brothers in their efforts to help rebuild their country.
Mexico Occidental Province is concerned about two issues. The first is to meet the immediate needs of the Haitian people. The second is to set up projects that would aid in addressing future problems through education, development, and the improvement of living conditions.
The strategy is to make use of FMSI to channel the aid that is received, doing so in close collaboration with the Mexico Occidental Province and the Haiti Sector. Any resources that are collected through the FMSI account will be used for the creation of new education projects to benefit children and young people in Haiti, after emergency conditions have passed.
A number of Provinces have already mobilized their forces in order to raise funds in their schools. Provinces that wish to contribute immediately through other channels (e.g. international aid organizations) should feel free to do so.
For information on contributing please contact us at [email protected]
FMSI (Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale Onlus) is the not-for-profit Foundation based at the Generalate.