Fratelli Project Council meets for further planning, evaluation
The Fratelli Project Council, which will soon receive a new member, met in Lebanon from Jan. 7 – 12 for further planning and evaluation.
The governing Council, which currently includes two De La Salle Brothers – Brothers Jorge Gallardo (vicar general) and Rafael Matas – and one Marist Brother, Brother Chris Wills (director of Cmi), will have another Marist Brother in the team within the next few weeks. It is expected that the new member will be decided upon during the General Council’s meeting in February.
During its recent meeting in Lebanon, the Brothers discussed the Project’s operating budget and a plan for a financial audit. They also evaluated last year’s summer programme for volunteers and began organising future application forms for the volunteers of this summer.
There are currently seven members in Rmeileh: Marist Brothers Michel Cubeles and Isaac Alonso (Spain); De La Salle Brothers Andrés Porras (Mexico) and Gilbert Ouilabégué (Chad); lay Marists Laura Gonzalvo Calle (Spain) and Bruno Socher (Brazil); lay Lasallian Sara Amarillas (Mexico).
The Fratelli Project Council will hold its next meeting on March 1 at the general house, with its new member.
Book on the Fratelli Project
The Fratelli Project published a book in August on the Fratelli Project, with pictures taken by Italian photographer Marco Amato and text by Sara Panciroli. This publication follows an earlier limited edition hardcover publication which was presented to Pope Francis who inscribed by hand a message of support in the book and it was sent to the Fratelli Community in Lebanon where it is on display.
The new book is entitled “Fratelli Project. The educational project of the Brothers of the Christian Schools – La Salle (FSC) and the Marist Brothers of the Schools (FMS) for refugee children and young people in Lebanon” (Progetto Fratelli. Il progetto educativo dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane – La Salle (FSC) e dei Fratelli Maristi delle Scuole (FMS) per i bambini e ragazzi profughi in Libano).
The book is the second publication and it focuses on the results, the number of people it assists, the types of activities and courses for young people and adults it carries out, as well as its impact on the local Lebanese community.
You can read the book below, available in the following languages:
English | Spanish | French | Italian
The Fratelli Project is an inter-congregational collaboration involving the Marist and De La Salle brothers to which other congregations are invited. The Fratelli Project is not limited to operations in the Middle East and it is expected that it will be established in other places where children and young people suffer from conflict and are displaced or are refugees or migrants.