2020-05-08 BRAZIL

Henri Vergès, an enlightened and enlightening life

Br. Alain Delorme: The life and martyrdom of Henri Vergès from the angle of vulnerability

To make the life and witness of the martyrdom of our Blessed Brother Henri Vergès better known, the Centre of Marist Studies of Belo Horizonte, Province of Brasil Centro-Norte, has proposed that his image be permanently displayed in the chapels of the ecclesial communities where the Marist Brothers carry out pastoral activities. In the canonical territory of the Province there is a parish and ten ecclesial communities where Saint Marcellin Champagnat or the Good Mother has been chosen by the people as their special protector.

For the occasion, prints (size 60×42) have been made to be exhibited in the chapels, and leaflets have also been prepared with the prayer and biography of Henri Vergès, to be distributed among the people.

Confident that the life of our Brother Henri can be a beacon of hope for all those who approach him, it is our duty, as members of his religious family, to make him known beyond our Marist spaces. It was Jesus himself who said: “No one lights a lamp and then puts it in a hidden place” (Luke 11:33

Br. Rafael Ferreira Júnior

Read more about Brother Henri Vergès


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