Human Rights and Education
The first Marist Seminar on education and human rights was held on 6 September in the Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano, in São Paulo. It was organized in collaboration with the Marist solidarity Network of the province of Brasil Centro-Sul (Grupo Marista). Reflection and directions on human rights and their place in the educational context succeeded in attracting teachers, social workers and professionals interested in the topic.
Important persons of the Province, the Colégio Marista and also UMBRASIL took part. They manifested the importance of this first Seminar and this dimension fundamental to the education of children and young people.
The experts invited spoke about rights, human relationships, reality, freedom, order and solidarity. In addition to the conferences, educational workshops were organized on three main topics: curriculum, childhood and youth, political and daily life.
The meeting also saw the launching of the book “Biblioteca Interativa como espaço de promoção cultural – sistematização das experiências de Londrina e Maringá”, of the Marist Solidarity Network. There was also a display of short films on Human Rights, and a handicrafts and book fair.