2005-08-21 BRAZIL

I would like to confirm, with the Counsellors, the priorities of the Province

Brother Tercilio Sevegnani began his second command as Provincial of Brazil Centre- South, on 17th July. The provincial Chapter met in Curitiba, on 17th to 19th of June, to hand over to the Provincial, to choose the new Council and to prepare the plans for the new triennium.
The 38 capitulant Brothers elected as Counsellors Brothers Delcio Balestrin, Joâo Carlos do Grassland, Frederico Unterberger, Dario Bortolini, Jorge Gaio and Davide Pedri. The priorities were chosen and are summarized in the following proposals:

· To deepen the Marist identity of the Brothers and seculars, giving priority to community relationships and the human and spiritual quality of life.
· To guarantee a process of training for formators and vocational animators and the accompaniment of the Brothers and of the applicants.
· To establish a participatory system of administration and to form good professionals, both Brothers and seculars, with regard to the Mission.
· To advance in the process of integration and organization of the Educational Units, moving towards a model of the Marist school, for the service of evangelisation.
· To strengthen the prophetic-evangelizing dimension in all areas of the Province, consolidating the Pastoral Plan and the theological-pastoral preparation of Brothers and seculars.
· To reaffirm a culture of Christian solidarity in the Province, following the example of Champagnat.

The Provincial Council and the Provincial Assembly subsequently established the details of an Action Plan.
Besides the capitulant Brothers, several Brothers took part in the Chapter as observers, young Brothers as well as older ones, in an atmosphere of great interest and family spirit. There was also present, on behalf of the General Council, Brother Antonio Ramalho, G.C. At the end, he directed some words of support and of encouragement to the Provincial and his Council, inviting them to have confidence and audacity in the animation of Marist vitality in this part of Brazil and of the Institute.


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