2021-07-14 MEXICO

Inter-American Marist Solidarity Heart Network deals with Marist solidarity in times of pandemic

On July 7th, the 1st meeting of the cycle ” Resonances of Marist Solidarity in the Americas in times of pandemic ” took place online on Zoom. The event brought together members of the Marist Solidarity Heart Inter-American Network, made up of representatives of the areas of Solidarity and the Rights of Children, Adolescents and Young People in the Provinces of the South America and Arco Norte Region. For the coordinator of the Network, María del Socorro Álvarez, from the Province of Mexico, this space, whose theme was “Echoes of Solidarity in times of pandemic in our Provinces and Sectors”, was a privileged opportunity to share in a fraternal climate, different scenarios of the pandemic in the Americas and to share the different ways of facing it together with other participants from civil society, other religious congregations and rights networks. “The exchange allowed us to see the richness of network sharing, allowing us to learn from each other and encouraging us to continue to promote solidarity and rights in the Americas in creative ways,” he said.

The objective of the meeting was to share experiences of solidarity during the pandemic , placing them in the context of the country and recovering lessons learned. The story prepared by each Province was enriched by questioning and shared reflection.

The Cycle “Resonances of Marist Solidarity in the Americas” will continue with the 2nd Meeting (of 4), on the 6th August, on the theme Educating in and for transformative Solidarity from the Academic Curriculum – Methodology of Learning and Service.


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