2023-07-29 PORTUGAL

Into The Deep: pilgrimage to Fatima

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On July 29, the participants in the International Gathering of Marist Youth made a pilgrimage to Fatima, the place where Our Lady appeared to the three shepherds in the last century. The group left Carcavelos early in the morning to travel the 150 kilometers that separate the two cities. The buses left the group in front of the John Paul II Stadium, where there was a time for breakfast and the first reflection in the groups. Afterwards, the young people and their companions went on a walk of about 5 kilometers to the Shrine, passing by the house where Sister Lucia de Jesus was born and lived. Along the way, the youths reflected on the Wedding at Cana, as told by St. John.

After arriving at the Shrine, the group attended Mass at 11:00. Afterwards there were times for personal meditation and a visit to the shrine, as well as a group photo.

The entire journey that day was animated by the Marist Fathers. After lunch, which was served in a structure of the Divine Word Missionaries, the Marist Fathers motivated the group to create attunement with Mary. Each one received a rosary and all were invited to make this prayer a common practice in their lives, as it was in the lives of the founders of the Marist congregations. The underlying theme that was highlighted that afternoon was that Mary is the one who directs each one to her child, Jesus.

This message was also underlined by Father John Larsen, Superior General of the Society of Mary. Considering the context of Fatima, he recalled the simple origin of the children who meet Mary. Through the choice of these children, simple people, it is possible to understand how Mary works in us. Mary introduces herself to the poorest children in the area and calls them to meet and embrace her son Jesus. They were then sent to convey a message to the world of that time, a world characterized by war and materialism. This is a model through which we can see Mary’s methodology. This is also evident in Guadalupe, Aparecida and Lourdes. She chooses the poor to show the message of Jesus. The same happens in the story of the Wedding at Cana. All the characters are addressed to Christ through Mary.

The dynamics were concluded leaving the question: what action is Our Lady asking to do, as Marists, to bring the Good News of Jesus to the world today?

Around 17:30, the group returned to the College of Carcavelos. In the evening, the young people still had energy to promote a Marist Got Talent festival.

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