2006-06-15 GENERAL HOUSE

Knowledge of Saint Marcellin and of his work

The canonisation of Marcellin comes up regularly in our calendars as an important feast. It was, in effect, an event that made Marcellin and his little brothers known, crossing borders in order to take on a universal character. With the person of Marcellin, there is his work, his institution, and that which his brothers and laypeople are at present.

The knowledge of Marcellin grows as people read documents which speak about his life and of his work. The minds and hearts of the readers are conquered and comforted.

One can also know Marcellin by praying to him and by contemplating him. This knowledge transforms itself into an affection which belongs to the mystery of the heart rather than to writings and publications.

The work of Marcellin is so vast, so varied, so diversified geographically in the seventy countries where it radiates that it is a challenge to know it well. The Institute?s web site contributes, day after day, to reveal different aspects to us. It is not the only way, but it contributes modestly.

The May poll asked: ?Seven years after the canonisation of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, your knowledge of his work has increased, has stayed the same, still interests you more, does not interest you.? If we judge by the number of responses received (371 between the 18th April and the 29th May), it is the poll that has aroused the greatest interest. On the other hand, the results that speak of a greater knowledge of the work of Marcellin are encouraging: 39.6% affirm that it has increased and 26.4% say that they are still interested more. On the contrary those who say they rest the same, 11.1%, or that they have forgotten him, 22.9%, represent only 34% of the total. Congratulations to those who have expressed their growing awareness of the work of Saint Marcellin. And may the interest continue to grow!


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